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The Evil of Preaching Social Justice

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When Paul addressed the Galatians, he warned them against the folly of preaching a different gospel than the one he had received.

The consequences for doing this are devastating and permanent.  Every time a pastor ascends the pulpit, he is there to tell the congregation what God wants his people to know.

Those who refuse to proclaim the Gospel take the Lord’s name in vain every time they preach.  At some point, these ‘pastors’ exhaust the patience and mercy of God, and God responds by hardening their hearts, leaving them lost for eternity. 

Paul received the one true Gospel from Jesus himself and that Gospel was that Christ died for our sins.  Christ, who was God in human flesh, died for our violations of His moral law.

This is the primary theme of the Bible and should be the primary theme of every sermon. 

No pastor received the ‘gospel’ of social justice from a divine source.  This ‘gospel,’ which proclaims that we are guilty of such ‘sins’ as ‘racism,’ ‘homophobia,’ and destroying the environment, is from a demonic source.

The price to be paid for violating the sins of social justice is not repentance, it is subjugation.

At the Council of Trent, the pope issued numerous anathemas, each one as worthless as the next.  Paul, however, issued only one anathema and that was to the churches in Galatia who were altering the Gospel.

The gospel of social justice calls Islamophobes, homophobes, trans-phobes and racists to repent of violating this corrupt societies man-made ‘social constructs.’  These ‘constructs’ have nothing to do with God’s moral law, as expressed in the Old Testament, or his prohibitions against such sins as greed, lust or hatred.

And this sick ‘gospel’ has infiltrated every aspect of our society, including law-enforcement.

Kamala Harris, who replaced Joe Biden on the Biden-Harris presidential ticket without earning a single vote, has a ‘pastor’ that she relies on for advice.  As one might expect, this pastor does not preach the Gospel, he preaches the perverse doctrine of social justice.

Since this pastor preaches the gospel of social justice, and is lost for eternity, his name is irrelevant.  However, for the sake of convenience, we will call him Pastor Mudd.

Historical note: Dr. Samuel Mudd provided medical care to John Wilkes Booth after he assassinated Lincoln.  Mudd was found guilty of conspiracy and sentenced to prison.

The reason this name is chosen is because the name of any pastor who preaches social justice rather than the Gospel is the same.  His name is Mudd.

In a story by Daniel Greenfield, he relates that Pastor Mudd delights in such quotes as “This sin of race is so deep—if we don’t find a remnant to help turn things around, America is going down.” 

Those of us who are Christians will have a difficult time identifying the sin of ‘racism’ in our Bibles.

The reason it is not there is because we are all the same ‘race.’

Although Pastor Mudd would love to falsely accuse ‘racists’ of being hateful, this quote is the one actually dripping with hate. 

The remnant that he is speaking of is not a remnant of Christians, it is a remnant of Communists.  Communists are atheists and are called fools by the God who created the universe.

As one would expect, like all Godless Democrats, he is not interested in saving souls or building anything.  He wants to destroy what has been built.

Pastor Mudd is rumored to have a long history of race baiting and is often called the Al Sharpton of San Francisco.  The ‘Reverand’ Sharpton, aka Reverend Mudd, has a history of making false ‘racial’ claims (Tawana Brawley) that are on par with the Jusse Smollett hoax.

All these hoaxes are perpetrated in ‘love’ of course.

Pastor Mudd claimed that “Greed, bigotry and too many whites with this evil, brutal system, built the American economy.

If “greed and bigotry” built the greatest economy the world has ever seen, maybe we need more of it.

The fact is that “greed and bigotry” did not build this economy, hard work, ‘know how’ and sacrifice built it.  These are the things that Communists detest so these things must be relabeled using the language of social justice. 

In other words, like his father the devil, Pastor Mudd is lying.

The ‘white man’ is apparently unfamiliar with the struggles of the ‘black man’ according to the purveyors of social justice.  In the minds of these false teachers, the ‘black man’ is without sin while the ‘white man’ is the devil. 

What a bunch of commie nonsense (mainly perpetrated by white Communists, by the way).

The fact that the vast majority of black children are born and raised out of wedlock is not the fault of the ‘white man.’  It is caused by the sins of fornication, adultery and disdain for marriage.  If Pastor Mudd had proclaimed the Gospel, he would have called all people to repent of these terrible sins.

The ‘plight of the black man’ is not caused by the white man, any plight they may be experiencing is caused by good old-fashioned sin. 

Pastor Mudd has no interest in calling sinners to repent.  He is much more comfortable proclaiming “White Americans are in a state of denial about what was done.” 

Of course, slavery was a terrible sin that every nation on the planet has engaged in, including people with black skin.  However, since this nation is extremely wealthy due to the “greed and bigotry” of ‘white people,’ Pastor Mudd is going for the good fashioned old shake down.

The author of this article relates that one woman’s personal experience with Pastor Mudd occurred at a memorial service for a friend’s father.  She stated, “Pastor Mudd always has an agenda and used his platform to go off on the sins of the world while gesturing at us about the ‘white devil’ while glaring at me.”

I can just feel the love pouring off this guy’s sermon. 

Not surprisingly, another Democrat, Barak Obama, had a similar pastor that was good friends with Pastor Mudd.  This is the luminary who shouted “God damn America” after the attack on the World Trade Center. 

Since he preached social justice instead of the Gospel, we can call him Pastor Mudd, too.

The primary reason that most black Americans vote for the Godless Democrats is because most have fed on the preaching of social justice since the sixties.  Anyone of any ethnic group that feeds on this nonsense will inevitably be deluded and vote for evil and decadence. 

Finally, as one might expect, Pastor Mudd and all social justice preachers are antisemites.

Pastor Mudd attended a conference in South Africa where copies of the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” were handed out.  They glorified Hitler and supported the Muslims and their jihad against America and Israel.

Evil people sure do hate America and Israel.

According to the author, Pastor Mudd celebrated the deaths of the victims of 9/11 with the statement, “Ohhh—America, what did you do?” 

Even Nancy Pelosi was forced to disavow his remarks.  And you don’t get more Godless and evil than Nancy Pelosi. 

Kamala claimed that Pastor Mudd “has been on this journey with me every step of the way, from when I first thought about running for public office almost two decades ago.”

The cognitive distortions we see in Kamala today are probably the result of years of false teaching.  By feeding on this nonsense, she has rendered herself incapable of rational thought.

And she has turned herself into a thing of evil.

It seems that Pastor Mudd’s campaign of hate is not confined just to ‘white people’ or Jews.  A Chinese restaurant owner in San Francisco made the mistake of complaining about crime and its effects on the city’s Asian population.

The loving Pastor Mudd allegedly visited the restaurant and, in true mafioso fashion, threatened the owner to keep his mouth shut and take his abuse.  He was allegedly told that he had a nice restaurant, it would be a shame if something happened to it.

The threat included the Asian man’s physical well-being and that of his family as well. 

Pastor Mudd denied this so one of these people is a liar.  It should not be difficult to figure out who the deceiver is in this controversy.

Unfortunately, the numerous ‘Pastor Mudd’s’ on the world stage are not confronted on their evil by the visible church.  When the church does not hold other churches accountable for their evil, that evil metastasizes and engulfs society.

That is what we are experiencing right now. 

Social justice is being preached from numerous pulpits and most pastors are afraid to confront it.  They fear being called ‘racists’ if they dare to call these ‘pastors’ to repent of bearing false witness against their neighbors. 

These churches are ignoring Christ’s command to proclaim repentance for the forgiveness of sins in the name of Jesus out of fear.  Jesus informed us not to be fearful of those who can kill the body but cannot kill the soul.

Instead, they should fear the one who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

This is, no doubt, the reason why the true Church of Christ has little strength. 

Fortunately, there will always be a remnant of faithful people who will keep Christ’s word and not deny his name.

The Pastor Mudd’s of the world are multiplying like vermin.  Soon they will join other ‘Christians’ and make their move on the true church of Christ. 

There is nowhere to hide and no way to compromise with them without losing your eternal soul. 

That is why Christ told us to stand firm, not deny his name and patiently endure until he returns.                                                             October 11, 2024

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