I have been watching several shows that explore the state of dating for some time now.
Not that I am in the market, but I have been channel surfing through a few shows that reveal the sorry state of courtship in these last days. All these shows provide worldly wisdom for those who are lonely but have given up on finding a mate.
A summary of their advice (men’s perspective) is basically:
1. Stay single, women bring all drama and no peace.
2. Go overseas to find a traditional woman.
3. Use and abuse each other sexually until you are too old to continue.
4. Don’t be a ‘simp (feminized male who submits to a woman’s authority)’
5. It is not possible to get married or have kids because the economy is so bad (It’s a good thing those who grew up during the Great Depression did not think like that).
6. Never sign a (marriage) contract with a woman who will be richly rewarded if she chooses to break it (well over 70% of divorces are instigated by women, upwards of 90% for those who were indoctrinated in college).
7. Too many women are competing for top tier men, because they have been seduced by social media, leaving the average male uninterested in approaching them due to constant rejection.
8. Women are making more money than many men, rendering men, who are already relentlessly attacked by our Godless society, unnecessary.
9. Women have become so promiscuous they are not worth having.
The diagnosis and treatment of the problem between men and women is simple.
Fornication is a terrible sin in the eyes of God so stop it.
When you have sex outside of marriage, you are in rebellion against God. When you are in rebellion against God, he abandons you to your own devices.
Men, it is your responsibility to engage the woman in a Godly manner. You are the head of the relationship, and you set the tone for it. If you take a woman to bed prior to marriage, you are prioritizing hedonism over faith.
All the things that men are complaining about on YouTube in terms of relationships are mostly their fault. If men will step up and behave like Godly men, most women will fall in line.
When men teach women to act like a hedonist, they should not be surprised when she acts like a hedonist.
If you have fornicated prior to marriage, God has instituted a cure. It is called repentance. No man or woman should enter a relationship if their partner looks back fondly on their past sins.
That just means they are going to repeat them.
Those who fornicate repeatedly often can only do so if they have hardened their hearts against the Lord. Do not enter relationships with people who have hardened their hearts against the Lord.
It will not end well.
When people degrade themselves with fornication, the devil is taking note. He then sends in his minions with alternative ideologies to build on this sin and cause discord in your relationship.
Feminism was always a satanic, Marxist plot to cause discord between the sexes.
Yes, I am a ‘conspiracy theorist’ and am convinced feminism was always a satanic psyop just like all the ‘race’ and climate change nonsense. Most of our media, including movies, TV shows and commercials, are now mainly just Marxist propaganda designed to feminize men.
Those who call themselves feminists could care less about women. They are lonely, miserable and unlikable. They don’t even like each other.
The feminists have been able to corrupt our culture and have had great success masculinizing women and feminizing men. This is occurring in conjunction with the outrageous lack of faith in this generation.
Many women, who have been indoctrinated in our universities, are now out-earning men. If a woman does not respect a man’s authority because she makes more money than the man, she is not spouse material. Move on.
When women are masculinized, they take on the worst aspects of men because they were not created to be masculine. They think they can sleep around, and, due to their success in this dubious effort, come to believe that men must cater to their every desire if they want sex.
Eventually, if they continue this behavior into their thirties, they hit the ‘wall (the point when women are no longer seen as marriage material).’
They continue competing for an ever-shrinking number of men as they age until they are left behind without a mate because they are becoming less desirable.
Then they buy a cat and some boxed wine.
When men are feminized, they take on the worst aspects of being a woman because they were not created to be feminine.
Just look at Dylan Mulvaney if you want an example of what that looks like.
One of the many aspects of the nation’s moral and social decline is the development of hostility between the sexes. Those who created the dogma of feminism are fully aware that this is the natural result of this sick ideology.
Being a typical man, when I see a problem, I have an irresistible urge to fix it. I tried to deal with this problem in my previous article, ‘Legion of Men,’ which is named after one of the more prominent shows out there.
However, this problem still haunts me so I will try again.
The first thing everyone needs to understand is that we are all sinners, surrounded by other sinners, and we live on a planet cursed by God. That means relationships are serious business and, after the age of eighteen (at least in our society), it is time to start looking for your spouse (no, that is not too young to start looking).
We need to understand the perilous conditions that we are living in. Life is eternal, it is not frivolous or something to be taken lightly. The priority of every individual should be to receive the gift of faith so he/she can deal wisely with the world as it actually exists.
And that little issue of eternal life is kind of important too.
We are born enemies of God. We need faith in Him to navigate the perilous obstacles that God has inculcated into the world. Through faith we learn how to love, how to seek and identify the truth and how to behave righteously.
This faith is given to us when we confess that Christ died for our sins. That should be a very easy confession since it is an actual historical fact that only a demonic entity could deny.
It is as easy as confessing that two plus two equals four.
This is the Gospel and it represents the full summation of the Bible. This is where the Old Testament was leading and what the New Testament expounds upon.
When you receive the gift of faith, those who are wise begin using it daily.
Encased within the Gospel is God’s moral law. As explained in Scripture, the ceremonial and dietary laws have been suspended because God inaugurated a new dispensation called ‘the church age.’
Without God’s moral law, we are left clueless regarding repentance. We are also left without a rudder to navigate life in a sinful world.
The reason God forbids fornication is because it only weakens and causes discord in the relationship and, more often than not, causes it to fail or become tumultuous and miserable.
It does not increase our ‘passion’ for the other person, it sucks the passion out of the relationship. It also interferes with our ability to reason properly, and we take a more ‘world centered’ view of relationships rather than a ‘faith centered’ view.
Once the relationship fails, each moves on to the next relationship, making the same mistakes, and they begin running up what youth refer to today as a ‘body count.’ This perverse labeling of fornication demonstrates that even a young heathen fully understands that he should not be engaging in this behavior.
The moral law of God is written on our hearts, so every person already knows that sex outside of marriage is forbidden by God.
Therefore, to violate God’s law, a person must subdue his/her conscience. The more you subdue your conscience, the easier it is to sin. The more people you sleep with, the more you are hardening your heart against the Lord.
When you continuously subdue your conscience, you are becoming someone who is conniving and manipulative. You become cold and calculating rather than someone who is making a good faith attempt at a relationship.
Many are turning themselves into sociopaths who lack the ability to bond.
When we weaken our conscience, we become narcissistic and pathological liars and begin to see people as objects of manipulation. Men begin to see women as only sex objects and women see men as an avenue to gain worldly status or a temporary cure for loneliness.
And each can be traded out when things get tough.
The above assessment best summarizes everything that I have heard on these shows about the state of dating and marriage. The resulting spiritual state discussed above is all we need to know about what happens in the hearts and minds of fornicators.
The sin of fornication is so serious that engaging in it without repentance will eventually cost you your eternal soul.
Many will complain, especially women, that men will reject them if they do not submit to their carnal desires. That is true in most cases. The idea is for a woman to abstain from sex until she finds a man worth keeping.
It is the responsibility of a man to serve as the spiritual leader in a relationship. He needs to act on his faith when courting a woman, not his carnal desires.
If he cannot pull this off, the woman needs to break off the relationship.
On the other hand, when a man abstains from fornication, the woman will either fall in line or move on.
If she moves on, the man has just saved himself a life of misery.
Abstention from sex works for both men and women as an excellent filter to ensure that you do not enter a relationship with someone of ‘bad faith.’
The men often complain that ‘Chad’ and ‘Tyrone (Highly desirable men who use and discard women)’ will have a field day using up all the girls if they pass them up.
The girls who allow themselves to be used like this are not worth having. They will never like ‘nice’ guys. These are the ones who, if you make the mistake of marrying them, discover they are not in love with you anymore, sometimes even after several years of marriage.
Then they take your kids, your wealth, and leave you destitute and alone.
The fact that women have become promiscuous is the primary reason that many men no longer pursue women and are beginning to prefer being alone. It is also why men are less likely to step up to protect a woman when she is in trouble.
Women who act like men will receive little by way of chivalry.
Few men want to pursue or protect a girl who allows herself to be used as an object of every man’s pleasure. Even fewer will approach a woman, not because they are shy, but because they have calculated that she is not worth the effort.
And they certainly don’t want to endure the narcissistic attitude that infests the personality of the fornicator until death do they part.
This is an extremely wicked and perverse generation. We are getting awful close to the time when a majority of young people see marriage as a curse rather than a blessing. This will be devastating for any society.
This generation now has a word for their Godless relationships.
If this continues, there is no way to stop our slide into savagery.
Unfortunately, we will have to wait for our churches to start proclaiming God’s moral law and his Gospel before the culture begins to change. This return of the church to sound doctrine is the only way to push back against a time when love is growing cold.
That does not look too likely anytime soon.
And it may not happen at all.
Due to sorry state of our churches, it is nearly impossible to distinguish a ‘Christian’ girl from one who is an ‘OnlyFans’ star. However, her confession is the key. All a man must do after hearing her confession is observe whether she intends to stand on it during the dating process.
This works for women also.
The one thing that every person should remember is that when we follow God’s law, and have faith in the sacrifice of his Son on the cross for our sins, good things happen in our lives. This faith is also crucial when dealing with hardships and tragedies as they arise.
And both men and women need to confess their faith, and repent of their past sins, if they want to a have stable, happy relationship.
Jesus told us not to worry about our lives, or how we will attain the basic necessities of life, because God knows what we need. He even takes care of the pagans.
And he also knows you need a mate.
There can be no winners in the war between men and women.
To summarize, here is a simple four step process for a long and happy marriage:
1. Receive the gift of faith by confessing that Christ died for your sins.
2. Since Christ died for your sins, repent of your fornications and sin no more.
3. Use abstinence as a means of weeding out people of ‘bad faith.’
4. Wait for God to send you a proper partner.
33 But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33).
Final Note: None of this meant to judge anyone, please take it as a warning.
www.gospelist.net February 28, 2025
